Tuesday 5 May 2015

Autumn Feels

Winter definitely wins the crown for the most complained about season. As we start to pack away bikini’s and beach towels in exchange for beanies and coats, out come the grumbles about the incoming cold and overcast days. 

Whilst these winter moans are all warranted (even with our comparably mild Aussie winters!), there are plenty of aspects of the cooler season worth embracing. Think piles of blankets and Sunday sleep ins. Nights in with TV marathons and plenty of hot tea. Warming chilled skin with fresh coffee and fleecy, cozy jumpers. 

To help me appreciate these lovely moments, I like to stock up with a Bonds winter basics checklist. High up on the list are plenty of knits, grey sloppy joes and chunky socks. Having these items at your disposal will prepare you both for cuddling up on the couch and for heading out into that crisp winter air.

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